A rugged military-style shoulder bag filled with a multitude of essential first aid items and gear.
2 - 3" Military Bandages
3 - 2" Steripad
2 - 3" Steripad
2 - 1/2" x 2.5yds Adhesive Tape Roll
8 - 3/4" x 3" Bandages
4 - 1 1/2" x 7/8" Bandages
1 - 3" Elastic Bandage
1 - 3" x 4" Telfa Pad
2 - Medium Alcohol Prep Pad
2 - Antibiotic ointment
2 - BZK Towelette
2 - Small Packet of Sugar
1 - 1/3 oz. Soap bar
1 - 4 oz. Peroxide
1 - Medium Cold Pack
2 - Aspirin/Pkg of 2
1 - Tweezers
1 - Pair Examination Gloves
1 - Instructions